Son, why you laugh?


Son, why you laugh?

Son, do you know your father?

I am your father.

I have some questions Son.

When you plan to get married?

When you plan to bring kids?

Can you stop laughing?

Why are you being selfish?

Son, don’t you know me?

I am your father.


Son, I worry for you.

I want you to marry a Jewish girl.

I want to see my grandchildren.

I want you to stay close to us, your family.

No one would know the pain I feel,

Or see the tears I cry for missing you, Son.


Son, don’t you know me, I am your father?


Son, you want to be a writer.

You travel in imagination.

You worry us, your Mather cries each night.

Return to us.

Will you, Son?


Son, don’t you know me?


Son, I pray for you.

So you will find a good wife,

A good job, have a house and kids,

Say Amen, Son.




Son, why are you laughing?

Son, why are you laughing?

Son, you think it is funny.

Son, don’t you know me?

I am your father.


Can we bridge old tradition and new culture?

Can we bridge the generation gap?

Carpe diem – with RESPECT!

With playful regards,

