APAC Assembly 2014: Legend of APAC


Founded on March 25th, 2005, the Asian Pacific American Coalition at the University of Central Florida seeks to develop leadership, be a source of political and social advocacy for issues, promote unity and provide a voice for the Asian American student population on campus and the community at UCF. Today, APAC fulfills these mission statements through workshops, programs, and showcases open to the general student body and public. One of this year’s biggest events was the APAC Assembly 2014: Legend of APAC.

APAC Assembly is an annual showcase of talents created by 10 of the Asian-interest student organizations on campus to welcome incoming freshmen and to promote “Unity” within the organizations. This year’s theme was APAC Assembly: the Legend of APAC . The theme was built on the idea of “Legends” and its symbolism of history and growth. APAC wanted to grace honor to the founders, previous leaders, and everyone who contributed to the growth within the community in hopes of motivating future generations to carry the tradition and ideals of “Unity”.

From a traditional lion dance performed by the Chinese American Student Association to the comedic and very inspirational performance by guest performer Youtube sensation David So, APAC Assembly had a successful night bringing in over 600 people, not only from within the community but from other Universities throughout Florida as well.

APAC would like to extend their gratitude towards their advisor, Karen Nguyen, their sponsors, the UCF Student Government Association, their associated organizations, performers, the talented David So, all of the student leaders at UCF, and Asia Trend. Without any of their help, APAC Assembly 2014: Legend of APAC would not have achieved such high success and regard.

Videos: C.K. Lau (To view the photo album, visit www.youtube.com/AsiaTrend)

As for the rest of the year, APAC continues to achieve their mission statement through its up and coming Mentor/Mentee program, Unity Warz, and the Level UP leadership conference in the spring. With the help and support of the community, APAC hopes to make these upcoming events just as successful as APAC Assembly. Follow APAC on their facebook page at www.facebook.com/apacucf for more updates.

Article: Kimmy Haoting Wu