Make Us Visible Florida Celebrates Passage of AAPI History Bill

MUVFL in Miami
photo by Jose K Fuentes

Make Us Visible Florida (MUV-FL) celebrated the passage of its bill requiring Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) history to be taught in K-12 curriculums in Miami Beach, Florida on July 29, at Cafe Americano.

The celebration was attended by legislators, local organizations, businesses, and community members. MUV-FL was presented with a proclamation by Commissioner Eileen Higgins to commemorate the occasion as Make Us Visible Florida Day. The celebration also featured a performance by AAPI hip hop sensation Jason Chu from Los Angeles.

MUV-FL is part of a nationwide coalition dedicated to developing a long-term, preventative solution rooted in education as a response to anti-Asian American bullying, hate, and violence. The group is comprised of parents, students, educators, and neighbors. The Florida petition, which was started by MUV-FL state director Mimi Chan in 2021, had over 15,000 signatures.

MUVFL in Miami

Chan, who was the model and martial arts video reference for Disney’s animated character Mulan, said that the passage of the bill was a “historic moment” for the AAPI community in Florida. “This is a victory for all of us who have been fighting for years to ensure that our stories are told and our contributions to this country are recognized,” she said.

The passage of the bill makes Florida the fifth state to require AAPI history to be taught in schools. MUV-FL hopes that other states will follow suit and that this will lead to a more inclusive and accurate understanding of American history.

MUVFL in Miami