AsiaTrend Wishes farewell to TECO in Miami Director General David Chien

Taipei Economic & Cultural Office In Miami Direct General David Chien at the Dragon Parade 2020
Taipei Economic & Cultural Office In Miami Direct General David Chien at the Dragon Parade 2020

AsiaTrend would like to recognize and wish farewell to our long standing supporter and friend David K.C Chien who served as the Director-General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Miami for the past three years and is now stepping down from his position this month in order to serve as Taiwan’s ambassador to Belize.

Central Florida Taiwanese community hosted a farewell party for Director-General Chien in February

The Central Florida Taiwanese community hosted a farewell party for Chien in February celebrating the completion of his term and contributions to the community. Despite his busy schedule during his terms, he always made time to support the Asian American community in Central Florida, joining us twice for the Central Florida Dragon Parade Lunar New Year Festival and twice for the
Asian Cultural Expo Grand Opening Ceremony. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Director Chien delivered over a hundred cases of the Taiwan-made surgical mask to different cities in Florida. In his many visitations from Miami to Orlando, Tampa, Melbourne and Tallahassee he left a lasting impression as a principled community leader who is passionate about supporting the collective progress of the Taiwanese American community as well as Asian Americans in general.

The Director-General’s community involvement predates his service at TECO in Miami in 2018 as Chien held two other U.S. assignments, in San Francisco in 2000 and in New York in 2009. We know he will continue to use his leadership and voice to advocate for positive change. We at AsiaTrend congratulate him on his Ambassadorship and wish him prosperity and success.

Central Florida Taiwanese community hosted a farewell party for Chien in February

TECO in Miami Direct General David Chien, and Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings, with TCCGO, and the Chinese School of CAACF at the Central Florida Dragon Parade 2020
TECO Taipei Economic & Cultural Office In Miami Direct General David Chien, and Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings, with Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Greater Orlando, and the Chinese School of CAACF at the Central Florida Dragon Parade 2020.
TECO in Miami Director General David Chien, and Florida Chinese Business Association sponsored local C.H.A.R.G.E. Dragon Boat - Orlando race at 2019.
TECO in Miami Director General David Chien, and Florida Chinese Business Association sponsored local C.H.A.R.G.E. Dragon Boat – Orlando race at 2019.