South Florida 34th annual Asian Culture Festival

34th annual Asian Culture Festival

On March 1-2, the 34th annual Asian Culture Festival, presented by the Miami-Dade County Asian American Advisory Board, was held at Tropical Park, celebrating the wide diversity of Asian cultures present throughout Florida. Consul General Junya Nakano was invited to deliver remarks at the opening ceremony on March 2, in which he spoke on the importance of such a large-scale festival which can bring awareness to the various distinct cultures present throughout the Asian continent.

34th annual Asian Culture Festival

Moreover, he expressed how he was delighted to see Japanese culture represented throughout the festival, especially through Bon Odori and Taiko performances, and at the Japanese booths hosted by Ikebana International, Ichimura Miami Japan Garden, @jasmsfl , @floridajetaa , and the Japanese Consulate in Miami, assisted by the FIU Japan Club.

At the consulate’s booth, Japanese games of Kendama and Wanage, as well as a calligraphy and an origami station were enjoyed by various event attendees. Consul General Nakano enjoyed partaking in these activities and speaking with other officials, guests, vendors, and volunteers throughout the festival. We are truly grateful towards the FIU Japan Club volunteers for their continued support and for ensuring that our booth ran smoothly, making it a great success!

34th annual Asian Culture Festival