1月18日(水)にオーランドで開催される2017 Florida-Japan Summitのご案内です。AFTJの魚立先生(フロリ
Invitational Flyer and Draft Agenda
January 18, 2017 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
(Immediately followed by a Business Card Exchange/ Networking Reception from 5:30-6:45 PM)
University of Central Florida
Global UCF Building, Rooms 101 A, B & C
4356 Scorpius Street, Building GB 139
Orlando, FL 32816-0130
Online Registration Form
Register now for our 2017 Florida-Japan Summit to be held on the afternoon of January 18th at the University of Central Florida Global UCF Building in Orlando. The Summit is our annual gathering of Florida- Japan business, education, tourism, and cultural leaders for panel presentations, info exchange, networking, and to renew existing or develop new friendship ties (see agenda on back of this flyer). The Summit will be presented in partnership with and hosted by the University of Central Florida. The Hon. Ken Okaniwa, Consul General of Japan in Miami, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Summit, and Florida Secretary of State will provide opening remarks. A networking reception will be held immediately after the summit. To register or for more details, please contact us via our website or the e-mail address/phone number below.
Further Information: info@fl-seusjapan.org or 786-235-8289 or visit us online at www.fl-seusjapan.org