Florida Hmong Community Inc. would like to invite you all of you to Hmong New Year this year on Saturday, December 16th! Opening ceremonies will be at 9AM, followed by greetings, a community lunch, and a fantastic general show! Come learn about Hmong’s culture and traditions from local community members! Cheer your favorite teams in volleyball and cornhole! Stroll through merchandise, informational, and food vendors. The evening celebration will begin at 6PM with two great performers along with many of our own Florida talent!
SAVE THE DATE for this year’s Florida Hmong Community Inc. Hmong New Year! New venue for New Year. We had to relocate at RP Funding Center for due to inclimate weather. We hope the central location and convenience of nearby/adjacent hotels will allow you and as many of your family and friends to join us this year!
Please like and share to all of your family, friends, and local organizations!
Contact people if you’re interested in participating:
Opening Ceremonies: Shoua 479-233-0988
General Show and Vendors: Mai 727-748-9633
Sports: Mike 813-313-7422
Night Party (general information and tickets): Mai 727-748-9633
As we begin to plan out the details, please let us know if you would like to volunteer in any capacity. If you’ve done events like this before, you know how many people it takes to make something so special to our community run smoothly! We will be seeking volunteers, performers, and donations as the event comes closer. Please directly message Vice President and New Year chair Shoua, niam Txawjxeem Lauj, for volunteer opportunities and/or for general New Year-related questions: Sua Thiab Xeem Lauj