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2016 Tzu Chi Foundation Year End Blessing Ceremony 慈濟歲末祝福感恩會

L. Claudia Allen Senior Center 1840 Mable Butler Ave, Orlando, FL, United States

Dear friends,            Please bring your family and friends along with a blessed heart, together we will review our events in the past year, and with our brothers’ and sisters’ wish for a disaster free and peaceful world, both now and in the future. 敬愛的善心大德: 感恩您長年護持慈濟志業, 在歲末年終之際,邀請您閤家參加慈濟歲末祝福感恩會。 「修福粒米藏日月,持慧毫芒有乾坤」, 證嚴上人行願半世紀, 教勉大眾不只慈悲入行,更要深入經藏,體會佛法, 在人間身體力行。 一粒米中藏日月,願人人誠情相待,以愛和關懷,共創祥和人間。 誠摯恭迎 您閤家及貴親朋好友們 一起為世界祈福,感恩有您! […]