EDUshifts Now!

#EDUshifts Now! Transformation through innovation and disruption in education.
Join the educational (r)evolution.


Wish to be part of the change we wish to see in the world ???

Wish to rethink the way we ‘do’ education all around the world ??

Wish to see more and more leaders start asking new questions about the future of education ?

EDUshifts Now!

The world is transforming so fast and in such a dynamic pace that we see more and more new innovative learning environments and education programs that are preparing us for the uncertainty of the future.

  • Transforming society means transforming education.
  • Transforming education means breaking patterns and realities that we have been building up for centuries.
  • Transforming education means walking together on new paths that we haven’t walked before.

Schools and Universities are mirrors onto our societies, reflecting to a great extent how our communities and societies are changing. Schools and universities are going to change tremendously and open many new ways to different forms of education; most important is to allow families a healthy variety to choose from.

Free choices for learning

Dear readers, I like to introduce you to 15 of my co-authors, courageous thought leaders, share ideas as to see the world in new eyes and lead the way toward a better future.


Collective Book project: EDUshifts Now! Transformation through innovation and disruption in education


We envision the world where everyone has the power of choosing her / his education and personal learning path, based on interest, talents and life design.

“If I am the universe, who am I talking to?”

Thomas Heide, educational philosopher (MA) from Denmark.

“Democratic education is education that prepares the children to the future and not the past.”

Yaacov Hecht, founder of the Democratic School in Hadera, Israel.

“Today I like you to consider the possibility that modern schooling is one of the greatest crimes against humanity,”

Manish Jain, a Co-Founder of Shikshantar, India.

“The new findings of biology and neurobiology make us question the principles on which the learning concept of the majority of today’s educational institutions is based.”

Gerald Hüther, Professor for Neurobiology at the University of Goettingen, Germany

“Will there be a day where we will have schools that are so good, happy and pleasurable that the students, teachers and employees, all will demand classes on Saturday, Sunday and holidays?”

Tiao Rocha, founder and president of the Popular Center for Culture and Development (CPCD).

“How to prepare to that new world? We need new ways of learning. We need new kinds of education.”

Floris Koot, a co-founder of Knowmads.

“Nobody knows where we are going to. It’s a shift that happens so fast. It’s AMAZING!”

Philippe Greier, founder and president of presente!

“All my life I was told that I was wrong, and there was no place for me, there was no place for Abatala.”

Adebayo Akomolafe, a clinical psychologist, lecturer and author from Covenant University in Nigeria.

“What is the purpose of the current educational system worldwide? It is to secure national states? To drive the economic growth? Or to support personal and collective evolution? Give your answer and act accordingly.”

Axinia Samoilova, founder of GLEE school Association.


Let’s learn together how to face today’s challenges in order to create the best possible future for all!


As we join together, forming networks of human concern about the future, we will find the strength and wisdom needed to create a better future for all.

Raising humanity on a new path.

It all starts with YOU!

With playful regards,



Contact and more information to play with:

Galorian [email protected]