World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Central Florida 2015

Orlando Tai Chi enthusiasts “happy” with the signed proclamation, and to be a part of this “World Wide Event”! Sifu Sam Winters (Organizer) Welcoming all participants to “the event”
Orlando Tai Chi enthusiasts “happy” with the signed proclamation, and to be a part of this “World Wide Event”! Sifu Sam Winters (Organizer) Welcoming all participants to “the event”

The last Saturday in April always marks the beginning of this worldwide event – World Tai Chi & Qigong Day. This year the event dates matched up with the long- running Central Florida Earth Day. I asked Larry Rumbough the promoter, if I and my group could be a part of this event.  I told him that the World Tai Chi Day believes the internal energy can “heal the world, one step, one breath at a time”. After telling him this, he gladly supported “our group” and gave us a place to stage the event.

At 9:45 am, after giving an introductory speech, I welcomed all participants and showed everyone the “proclamation” signed by Mayor Buddy Dyer “honoring this day”.   Promptly, at 10 am, the ‘energy-wave” began with more than 10 people performing their “hand forms” and “Qigongs”. This awakening of this “positive energy” encompassed the “area” and bystanders felt the “goodness of the group” while the “Qi” transferred to the next 10 am time zone!  This lasted for 30 minutes before we kicked off the question and answer session with an overwhelming consensus that our group made a “difference in the world”! Lunch was just around the corner, and the potluck food setup was delicious with special thanks to Alex Liu and friends for bringing some great amounts of Chinese food which was happily shared among the participants. At 12 noon, we started the workshops every hour till with the last one starting at 5pm to educate the public of the amazing health and wellness benefits the two modalities have to offer.

We covered the following topics with the audiences at World Tai Chi Day.

  • Five major styles of Tai Chi and the differences with different teacher demonstrations.
  • Discussing and demonstrating w/bystanders Tai Chi stepping and “rooting and “unrooting” when you move.
  • Tai Chi sword – how to transmit “Qi” to “the tip” followed by teacher demonstrations.
  • Bystanders joining me while doing the Tai Chi “form”.
  • Explaining and demonstrating w/partner “Push Hands” the martial aspect of Tai Chi and how “softness always overcomes hardness”.
  • Meditation w/participants, how to relax ones own body and achieve a state of “mental awareness” and visual clarity and finding out “who you really are!

In conclusion, I would like to thank all the students, teachers who shared and participated. The public who was educated and the deeper aspects of Taijiquan were revealed.