Manish’s Zodiac Signs Predictions – May 2017


Aries (21 March – 19 April) – You will be energized in this month. New projects, people and insights will be buzzing in your life. You may have more work than you know what to do with and you will feel fulfilled by all the positive changes you have implemented. An unexpected emotional overflow is in evidence. Welcome this release as you plot a course embracing your responsibilities which will serve you better in the future. The period shows an improvement in attitude, diet and exercise! Time will quicken and opportunities will abound. Pace yourself. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Taurus (20 April – 20 May) – You will feel intense and your tenacity regarding your priorities will be heightened. Honor your instincts and trust your impressions in this cycle. This is a time to entertain the validity of dreams and aspirations once set aside.  Changes in finance, residence and commitment can birth themselves in inner excitement at this time. Your communication and technical skills are enhanced. When troubleshooting at work or at play, you can make miracles happen! Enjoy the sweet ride. Your confidence is booming now. Go for progress. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Gemini (21 May – 20 June) – Your intuition and psychic ability can be fine tuned now! There will be moments that you will wonder if you are having a flash of inspiration or if your imagination has run wild.  Look within for confirmation.  Warmth, loyalty and devotion to loved ones are raised to a high art. Resolutions to rebuild bridges and embrace forgiveness will be in evidence. Love often returns or re-ignites with this transit. If you have been considering giving past love one more try – this is the time. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Cancer (21 June – 22 July) – You will be doing much soul searching and will be re-evaluating your needs versus your desires for this month.. The expansion of philosophies and overwhelming bouts of wanderlust characterize this transit. An increased awareness of your accomplishments in the past will prove outstanding. Potential to create that which you lack is available. Be very wary of get rich quick schemes at this time. Work smarter, not harder. It the time to indulge in your passionate nature now.  Love and play.  Embrace anew the desire to be the rebel and the lover. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Leo (23 July – 22 August) – This is an excellent time to share your sentiments with those who share the desires of your heart.  It is at this time you may become aware of those who have cared about you more than you know. Your mind turns to the faithful dedication of those who loved you in the past and their value in the future… Responses from others in both your joys and sorrows can seem surreal and amazing. Aesthetic impulses will also be magnified. and this is a marvellous time to try things on and draw up plans. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Virgo (23 August – 22 September) – You will get a renewed grip on what you want to keep in your life and what you wish to rid yourself of! The traps you have set for yourself in the past become crystal clear. You will desire to be fair-minded – but will also plumb the depths of the effects of long term decisions now. You will experience many realizations about love lost and gained, both in your life and the lives of others. This is a perfect time to reflect and counsel! You will claim momentum and attract winning ideas to you at this time Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Libra (23 September – 22 October) – This will be a month in which your personality shines and your natural charm is boosted by the stars. You will be able to take your whole life to a new level, for the power of your dreams will be magnified. It’s a fortunate time, when the world will appreciate you for your unique abilities and will love your looks. Your insights will need to be shared with great tact. Your psychic ability is absolutely astounding this time. Trust your core rather than intellectual assessments of others. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November) – Present circumstances make you more aware of freedom and independence. This can mean physical freedom as well as independence of thought, or both. You may be encouraged to join, or actively participate in groups or mass causes. These group activities should prove highly beneficial. It’s definitely the time to make decisions about relationships, especially if you have been enjoying a passionate dalliance with an exciting mysterious figure in the preceding weeks.  Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Sagittarius (22 November -21 December) -This is a good time for sorting out anything which has been bugging you.  You will probably not be able to remove the forces that oppose you, which only leaves you the option of finding a constructive way to work around them, or with them.  Romance and social opportunities abound! You can blend work and pleasure remarkably well. The loss or gain of an important relationship can cause you to establish new values, or shift old priorities. New circumstances may challenge your basic principles, or, place such an emphasis on what is really important Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) – Your financial status is likely to undergo change, including one or more complete reversals. Unstable conditions surrounding your income and finances suggest that money may be gained and lost, and even gained again.  Your love is likely to seem touchy, but probably it’s not your fault. Worry and financial cares lie at the bottom of it. Be your beautiful healing self and use your charm to find a way through it.  One thing to watch, however, will be trying too hard to impress other people, mainly through grandiose gestures and attempts.  Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) – The flow of physical energy can make you more aggressive or competitive concerning work, co-workers, or employees. There will be plenty of things for you to do in the way of physical exercise and work—on the job as well as around the house, and you may need to hire others., Be ready to confront problems and seek a solution, but don’t fall for the tendency for angry outbursts or rash actions. Group activities will turn out to be rewarding. This could also be a productive time to take on a new health regimen, or a fitness program. Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White

Pisces (19 February – 20 March) – This period governs how you achieve your hopes and dreams; tread carefully this month You will no longer accept the limitations from those who impede your progress. Beware of temptation to accept opportunity until you have all the facts. Proceed toward the realization of your dreams. You need to give serious consideration to the role you play in the lives of others, whether as a friend, lover, parent, or business associate. Surprising revelations will characterize this cycle for you. Sudden opportunities for enlightenment are seen Favorable Dates : May 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & White