Manish’s Zodiac Signs Predictions – Aug 2017


Zodiac_0717Aries (21 March – 19 April) – Your instincts for finances improve this month and you might enjoy a pay or income increase. Career and professional matters are in strong focus, and you’re ready to take charge of this area of your life. Your reputation improves after the 18th, when you bring more warmth to your professional manner. If single, you will surely meet your long-awaited love and this can happen soon near the house or during one of the trips. If married, you will enjoy harmony in a relationship with spouse and will spend free time together, spending everyday life, taking care of children. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26 Favorable Colors : Red & Blue

Zodiac_0717Taurus (20 April – 20 May) – In business and profession, teamwork is emphasized, although there can be some strife with friends if you are pushed into the background or you are unable to set your own pace socially.  Improvements in your love relationships and partnerships are likely this month.  A partner is easier to understand from the 7th forward, and love dynamics are more direct and straightforward from the 18th. Increased activity on the home front is likely now, and you can use this energy positively by working on reorganizing, renovating, or otherwise improving your domestic life. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22 Favorable Colors : White & Yellow

Zodiac_0717Gemini (21 May – 20 June) – This is not the best time for major projects and will nullify all the efforts. Restriction of freedom at the workplace, open disregard for colleagues will form a very strong challenge, which could negatively affect the immediate performance of work, and relationships with others and even health. From 21st August, you  need to think very seriously about how to improve your health after experiencing emotional stress, and it will be good if you turn to methods of alternative medicine, as well as begin to exercise – this will give you strength. Favorable Dates : Aug 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22 Favorable Colors : White & Green

Zodiac_0717Cancer (21 June – 22 July) – You will be full of vigour and energy especially in the first half of the month when emotion and energy will overwhelm you. The period  will be intensive and bring good luck. You will be covered by real enthusiasm,  will happily attend courses or read special literature with the hope that this knowledge will be useful in future activities. Passion to a change of places, to new experiences will be prominent. You will gladly prefer an official journey to a stifling office space, outdoor recreation to leisure time watching television, evening walks to sitting in a cafe. Favorable Dates : Aug 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22 Favorable Colors : White & Green

Zodiac_0717Leo (23 July – 22 August) – Your financial sector remains unstable, expenses will continue to increase, which will lead to a significant reduction in budget, meaning a reduction in financial capabilities. It is not recommended to enter into financial contracts, to take long-term loans or lend money because there is a very high risk that the commitments made in this unstable time will become fetters in the future because of low paying capacity. Reasonable economizing coupled with good planning must be carried out correctly. At times you can speak quite rashly or you could find that you’re impatient with slowness or passivity in others. Favorable Dates : Aug 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27 Favorable Colors : Black & Blue

Zodiac_0717Virgo (23 August – 22 September) – You are enthusiastic about your beliefs and wear your ideas with confidence and authority this month.  You are more assertive now as well, and your ability to trust your intuition is heightened. Ideas are flowing and you express them more freely. You are putting more faith in your instincts and your judgment. The result is more spontaneity and possibly more adventure or risk-taking in your life than there has been recently. You might present your ideas with much enthusiasm and confidence, which can increase the likelihood that they’re accepted and admired. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 27 Favorable Colors : Purple & White

Zodiac_0717Libra (23 September – 22 October) – You are more assertive and direct when you are going after what you want. Renewed stamina, energy, and confidence are with you this month. While your love feelings remain deeply personal and private, you begin to trust your instincts about love matters more faithfully. However, the desire to always be in the spotlight, attribute all achievements earned collectively only to yourself, obvious “intrigue” against the person on whose position you aim at can bring a clear conflict with people around.  It is not advisable to rise above people as a good relationship with colleagues is the foundation of success. Favorable Dates : Aug 6, 9, 15, 18, 24, 27 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Blue

Zodiac_0717Scorpio (23 October – 21 November) – This month brings better energy for all money and practical matters. Financial matters, particularly those shared with a partner or money sources other than your basic income, become clearer and move forward. Work matters are illuminated around the 21st, when your job demands special attention.  Family life improves dramatically later this month, which helps you to let your hair down and enjoy yourself without guilt. Part of you craves some solitude as you instinctively pull back from putting your heart into new endeavours. Admirers and love interests make their interest in you known. Favorable Dates : Aug 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Favorable Colors : Yellow & White

Zodiac_0717Sagittarius (22 November -21 December) -You are more communicative after the 8th. Home and family matters improve greatly from the 18th. You might receive news of securing a new residence or property, or your domestic situation is more satisfying and comfortable. Love matters move forward after the 18th, when confusing emotional situations begin to dissipate. It’s also a strong time for creative pursuits, educational or legal matters, and travel.  Conflicts are lessened if you take the lead and work towards a common goal with others. Romantic opportunities might present themselves through your friends or group associations. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23 Favorable Colors : Brown & White

Zodiac_0717Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) – You will relate with other people well, although your ambition and desire to excel can bring  a lot of communication problems in the first half of the month. You should have very good idea of your scope of work, and not take someone else’s, so as not to be guilty and not justifying someone else’s expectations. Finances are a strong focus, and around the 21st, you might settle some debts or obtain a loan. The pace of the month is very busy and dynamic.. Romance improves considerably. A partner or lover is easier to understand in the second half of the month. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21 Favorable Colors : Red & Green

Zodiac_0717Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) – There is a provocative energy surrounding you that tends to pull previously buried issues with others to the surface for resolve. You are taking charge of your work and daily health routines this month. You might have more energy and confidence to pursue a new relationship. It’s a strong period for starting a new program or routine to improve your health or work, especially after the 18th when career matters become clearer. More credibility on the job is likely now. Your humble confidence will go a long way towards improving your reputation and professional status. Favorable Dates : Aug 1, 3, 10, 11, 19, 21 Favorable Colors : Red & Yellow

Zodiac_0717Pisces (19 February – 20 March) – Despite a busy social agenda this month, you are moving into a more introspective cycle in which you crave more time to yourself, more sleep and rest, and more solitude in general. Outright pressure in the professional field will force you to seek a place where you are loved and supported by family and loved ones. Normally reserved, you will begin to unfold in relationships after 15th, experiencing an extraordinary need to feel sensual, emotional connection with loved ones. Also, you get motivated to make money and you feel, for the most part, on top of your game.  Favorable Dates : Aug 5, 7, 14, 16, 23, 25 Favorable Colors : Green & Yellow