Hidden Talents of Tampa Bay

"SPRING PAINTING" class by Filipino Artist ARNEL ARTUS took place on Sunday, April 18th, 2021 - photo by NHICK RAMIRO-PACIS

Once again, as part of the Cultural Programs of the Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. (PCFI) of Tampa, Florida, another successful “SPRING PAINTING” class by Filipino Artist ARNEL ARTUS took place on Sunday, April 18th, 2021. This was one of the biggest crowds we have ever had consisting of parents, grandparents, grandchildren, retirees, high school, and college students all having a wonderful time discovering their “hidden talents” following the instructions of Arnel Artus. The “ARNEL ARTUS Painting Classes” is part of the PCFI’s ARTE’ Cultural Program. The classes are open to anybody professional or amateur following who would like to discover that they indeed have talents. This event followed strict CDC guidelines of social distancing and masks required, was held at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center. A donation of $30 per person (adult or child) is required from attendees. All supplies are provided and one can even bring home their masterpiece.

To join the SUMMER PAINTING classes, go to www.pacfitampa.org and subscribe in order to get all updates on Filipino events of the community.