Mama Wake Up Call Service in Japan


Nobody really likes waking up in the morning as it is, but when the alarm clock goes off to the sound of sirens it starts the morning. Is there anything we can do to make it more pleasant and still wake up on time?

Wouldn’t it be so nice to start your morning off with a gentler “Good morning.”

Japanese mobile phone service provider au (mobile phone company) is bringing au Morning Call service, which is staffed by Japanese mothers.  Japanese mother team gives wake-up calls to adults so they won’t be late for work. 

However, au’s corps of wake-up moms can’t call every sleepy adult in Japan. 100 randomly chosen applicants will be selected to receive wake up calls, which can be requested for any time between 6:30 and 8:59 a.m. (applications can be made here between now and March 12). And remember, the mom morning call program only runs between March 19 and 23, after which you’ll have to get up by yourself.

au, or au by KDDI, is a mobile phone brand in Japan marketed by KDDI in the main islands of Japan and Okinawa Cellular in Okinawa. au is rewarded as one of the best mobile carriers in Japan.

Source: au via PR Wire, IT Media