Herb shops sell both fresh and dried herbs.

Have You Had Your Herbs Today? —Welcome to the World of Taiwanese Herbs

When visiting Taiwan, has a Taiwanese friend ever treated you to a cup of cool, refreshing herbal tea on a hot summer’s day? Go to Herb Lane in Taipei’s Wanhua District and you will...
Master Hsing Yun

Living Affinity

Venerable Master Hsing Yun met several hundreds followers in Orlando, July 2nd, 2006 This is my first time to attend a Buddhist Ceremony - Triple Gem Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony. This is the first step...

How to Alleviate Tooth Pain with Acupressure

Toothache refers to the sensation of pain in or around a tooth.  Toothache is the result of an irritation to the nerve of a tooth and can be caused by an array of different...
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