Central Florida Asian Student Achievers’ Scholastic Awards Needs Your Support


Asian American Heritage Council of Central Florida (AAHC), is a nonprofit 501(C)3 organization in existence since 1980 with a mission to preserve the culture and heritage of Asians, to advance their civic, educational and social interests, and promote their cultural diversity. As part of that mission, AAHC holds an annual event to recognize and honor Asian American students for their academic excellence.

On Saturday, November 16th, at the AAHC Annual Students Achievers Scholastic Awards 2019. Susan Hoeh, The Chinese…

Posted by Gary CK Lau on Wednesday, November 20, 2019

“On behalf of the Asian American Heritage Council of Central Florida (AAHC), we are soliciting your financial support with regard our Student Achievers Scholastic Awards event held this November 7, 2020 through Zoom from 10:30 am to 12:30 noon.” Tsuey Ing Lavender, Asian American Heritage Council Chair.

On June 1, 2019, the Asian American Heritage Council (AAHC) hosted the 2019 AAHC Asian Cultural Festival, an immersive…

Posted by Gary CK Lau on Friday, June 7, 2019

“We are looking for qualified and deserving Asian American students who can participate in a competition for scholastic awards based on their academic achievements and notable community service. The competition is open to all elementary, middle school and high school students.” Tsuey Ing Lavender explained. “In the past AAHC will host an “Asian Cultural Festival” in May to celebrate Asian American Heritage month with purposes of showcase a wide variety of Asian American cultures and fundraise the Asian Student Achievers’ Scholastic Awards. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, AAHC was not able to host the festival in May 2020. We are writing to solicit the financial support of your organization so that AAHC can host an annual award ceremony to recognize Asian American students for their academic and community services excellence.”

On May 12, 2018, the Asian American Heritage Council (AAHC) hosted their 2018 Asian Cultural Festival, an immersive…

Posted by Gary CK Lau on Saturday, May 12, 2018

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tsuey Ing Lavender, Chair of AAHC at 321-848-1967. Thank you for your support in this endeavor.

AAHC Sponsolarship info at http://www.aahc-cf.org/sponsorship.html