Make Us Visible Florida Campaign

Make Us Visable FL

On behalf of AsiaTrend Inc. a Central Florida 501c3 non-profit organization committed to strengthening intercultural dialogue and understanding in Florida via involvement in online media publication and content creation in addition to organizing community cultural events, would like to state our support for the integration of Asian American history into Florida K12 education.

Make Us Visable FL

We as an organization have observed the enthusiasm of our community members in Central Florida towards HB 287 and SB294, and we as an organization believe that the integration of Asian American history into Florida public school curriculum would be a welcome change and excellent opportunity for students to cultivate a greater appreciation for the dynamic and multicultural history of the United States of America and open avenues for students to engage with their communities more effectively while being able to recognize and celebrate the role of Asians and Asian Americans in the development of this nation and beyond.

We thank your campaign volunteers as well as the elected officials who share these sentiments and wish this initiative well into the coming legislative sessions.

Follow our Social Media Pages for more information! 

Make Us Visable FL