Manish’s Zodiac Signs Predictions – Nov 2015


ZodiacAries (21 March – 19 April) – You’ll start the month with a need to establish some self control in order to achieve your goals, but this will have impact on your social life, as you’ll be inclined to be a little willful with your friends and family. Romance might hit a rocky spot but when you stop being fearful of commitment, things will get better and better. November would be a conducive month to start laying down the ground rules. It is possible that you’ll meet a like minded person of opposite sex soon who becomes more than just a friend, but it will start very slowly. Feelings of being constrained might hit you around 10th of the month, but you will get the balance right soon enough. A new burst of gusto and energy will lift you after 18th Nov. Favorable Dates – Nov 4, 7, 13, 16, 22, 25. Favorable Colors – Red & Blue.

ZodiacTaurus (20 April – 20 May) –  The month is likely to start with some startling insights into an old problem that’s yet to be laid to rest. The planets are suggesting that this will be related to romance or relationships, and that the means to lay this matter to conclude will come to you. During middle of the month, your imagination will be back on form and you’ll soon be bewildering people with your ultra new ideas. The month will provide the opportunity for a massive clear-out, which will enable you to overhaul key areas of your life, but a tendency to hold onto that which you have outgrown could hold you back. It may bring some light-hearted moments – a new friend is on the horizon, although it’s doubtful you’ll hit it off at first. Favorable Dates – Nov 1, 3, 10, 13, 21, 28 Favorable Colors – White & Yellow.

ZodiacGemini (21 May – 20 June) – You need to adjust your pace slightly, as a possible change of career or new training opportunities distract you from your personal relationships; a little bit of balance will be what’s needed. It will be an intense month of ups and downs, but don’t be too discouraged by seemingly negative things – think silver linings! A new interest or hobby could lead to enthusiastic things, The month promises to be exciting and could well provide a significant turning point in your life, especially in terms of the amount of time you manage to secure for pursuing your own interests. The last few days of the month will see work pressures ease significantly and this will allow you to explore more personal aspects of your life. Favorable Dates – Nov 1, 9, 10, 18, 27, 28 Favorable Colors – Red & Yellow.

ZodiacCancer (21 June – 22 July) – There will be a lot of Fire energy within you at this time and this may well spur you on to make some major changes in your life especially with regard to your career or your ambitions for the future. The second half of the month will be marked by a definite change of pace as you become increasingly concerned with the details of your relationships. This will be a period of deep reflection for you that should bring a number of very useful personal insights that will help you communicate with your loved ones more effectively. The month will bring you very close to someone indeed, and will see you needing to keep the demands of work in perspective. Favorable Dates – Nov 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26 Favorable Colors – Blue & Green.

ZodiacLeo (23 July – 22 August) – The month will begin with a need to take charge of your financial affairs. You may well have been a little too generous in the past and now you need to introduce a little order to your budget. You will also receive some surprising increases to your regular income. This will also coincide with an upsurge in your social activities. This is an ideal point to take stock of your relationships and you may well decide that some radical changes are needed. November will be dominated by novelty in all things. This is most likely to be a new relationship, but it may also indicate a radical rethinking of an existing partnership. On the financial side this is an excellent month with the peak of your earning powers. Favorable Dates – Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 18, 21, 28 Favorable Colors – Red & White.

ZodiacVirgo (23 August – 22 September) – The months ahead will start with a surge of energy that you can’t always control and you are likely to behave a little erratically. People may misunderstand you and regard you as a willful person. This month could also see you breaking with old habits and customs as you change direction in life. However you will have the energy to do this, thanks to Mars. You’ll experience a less dreamy attitude to matters of the heart. Just make sure that you don’t become too critical. Towards the end of the month you could be developing an adventurous streak, which you should indulge. Romance will come under the spotlight. Your partner could start feeling neglected if you grant yourself too much freedom, but you will manage to strike the right balance after a little trial and error. Favorable Dates – Nov 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23, 30 Favorable Colors – Green & White.

ZodiacLibra (23 September – 22 October) – The month will start with a certain amount of indecisiveness on your part, which is likely to be work or studies related, but a burst of energy will help you to see the way clearly. Commitment issues crop up when someone demands too much of your time. You’ll need to make an extra effort to concentrate at work or studies as a desire to delve and explore the mysteries of life will distract you far too much. Be patient and wait for it to pass. Believe in yourself and the balance will restore itself naturally. You will become increasingly impatient that your efforts are not being recognized. Make sure that you keep things in perspective and don’t forget your friends; they will prove to be very dependable! Favorable Dates Nov 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23, 29 Favorable Colors – Purple & White.

ZodiacScorpio (23 October – 21 November) – It will be a period of inner confidence that will encourage you to be a real rebel, although your common sense won’t allow you to make too many mistakes. You’ll enjoy a burst of energy and will probably take on more responsibility at work or college. For you the month ahead is going to be centered on building on the past to forge a balanced future. You will probably find that you’ve been neglecting key areas of your life as you tried to help everyone else, so now you will need to find that healthy balance between selflessness and self preservation! However, you’ll be able to rely on your friends and family, and in terms of work or studies, you will positively shine, while romance will provide some interesting interludes.  Favorable Dates Nov 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23, 29 Favorable Colors – Purple & White.

ZodiacSagittarius (22 November -21 December) – The month is likely to start with a bang. You’ll be far more flirtatious than normal and will feel the need to inject more fun into your relationship. You will be swept away by a major romantic interest! Things are likely to be somewhat up and down and you will have to work hard to make this relationship succeed. Keep at it though and you will be really glad that you did. You’re likely to become more health conscious, but don’t overdo any diets, because you’ll be your own worst critic, seeing faults in yourself that no one else can see! A move or a change of career could make the build up to Christmas seem even more hectic than usual, but you’ll thrive on challenges, changes, and new beginnings around this time. Favorable Dates Nov 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29 Favorable Colors – Red & White.

ZodiacCapricorn (22 December – 19 January) – You would be craving for excitement and an occasional need to side-step your daily routine, otherwise you may feel too restricted in life. You will find that you’re stuck in a rut in terms of work or studies, but your resourceful way of thinking will soon pull you out of it again and into the realms of success! You’ll be far more romantic than normal. Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time. It might seem obvious that you’ll want to spend more at the festive season, but shop early for those bargain gifts to ease the financial pressure. Favorable Dates Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21, 28 Favorable Colors – Red & Yellow.

ZodiacAquarius (20 January – 18 February) – Your finances could be stabilizing now that you’ve had a chance to review your income and values. This month highlights both work and health as your energy gets a boost. Details become increasingly important and double checking your work intensifies. Reorganize and prioritize work to stay on track as the pace picks up. You may need to merge teams or form new alliances to accomplish financial goals. Tap into funding streams around grants or government dollars for training. Invest in family time and honor the gift that children demonstrate, by being totally present in the moment. Favorable Dates Nov 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors – White & Yellow.

ZodiacPisces (19 February – 20 March) – You are going through a period of reviewing the hard work and effort that you’ve put into a recent goal. Letting go of extra activities or associations that drain your time will free you to manage a larger project that is challenging and has its structures in the communities foundation. You are in the spotlight and authority figures have their eye on your organizational skills. Putting yourself out there is beginning to pay off. Communication is key to transforming your plans. You are quick to illuminate others and the impression is a lasting one. Favorable Dates : Nov 1, 8, 10, 17, 19, 26 Favorable Colors – Red & Yellow.