Manish’s Zodiac Signs Predictions – MAY 2018


Zodiac signAries (21 March – 19 April) – You may study or learn new skills. You may develop new attributes, adding them to your operating style by giving form and method to latent abilities. Healthcare will play an important part during this time. New ideas will come for some, and there will be new ways of communicating and thinking. Education may play a role for some, taking you in new and different directions. Outmoded lines of thought will have to go. The more you broaden your horizons, the more you can benefit on your road in life.  Favorable Dates : May 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Red

Zodiac signTaurus (20 April – 20 May) – Your career may take a direction that draws upon your natural talents, which makes life more fulfilling. You would be ill-advised to rush into things or push ahead. Flow with the river and let the currents of life set the pace. You may be developing something new or simply exploring other aspects of your inner self. Those in a relationship may feel somewhat unsettled, unless there is a feeling that what you have gives you everything you want. Try to bring some romance back into your lives.  Favorable Dates : May 5, 6, 14, 15, 23, 24 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Blue

Zodiac signGemini (21 May – 20 June) – You may be contemplating a new direction, one where you can prove yourself by doing something of real value or interest. You may have to overcome fears or a natural reluctance about this.  There could be changes, some subtle, some sudden within the constitution of your domestic or emotional life. For some there may be a new affection that grows while for others there could be a growing disenchantment with your current situation or a loved one. Now is the time to find your true self as you walk the road of life. Favorable Dates :May 5, 7, 14, 16, 23, 25 Favorable Colors : Grey & Blue 

Zodiac signCancer (21 June – 22 July) – You may have to make a new start with something already in motion. New opportunities may come with new ideas or communications. Something you’re entitled to may be heading your way. Romance, creativity, leisure activity and children will be preferred options or points of impact. Some of you may develop an intense interest or attraction for someone around you. If you’re in a relationship, do something that adds texture or interest to your lives. Recreational activities, creative endeavours or gatherings with friends can enhance your quality of life. Favorable Dates :May 4, 9, 13, 18, 22, 27 Favorable Colors : Red & Yellow

Zodiac signLeo (23 July – 22 August) – If you’ve been thinking of making a new career start, this would be a fine time to do it. You won’t be tempted to chuck it all away, but you’ll definitely want to make a move of some kind. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend–feeling good could bring you to the stores as you temporarily forget about the future. There could be good fortune and enjoyment if you speculate wisely or take the calculated risk. Don’t be extravagant but enjoy what you do. Love life and life will love you. Favorable Dates :May 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22 Favorable Colors : Red & White 

Zodiac signVirgo (23 August – 22 September) –  The need to re-structure and re-organize your life will become glaringly apparent. You may lose yourself in work and responsibilities and take yourself too seriously at times. As long as you work hard, but take time for relaxation and meditation as well, there is nothing to worry about. There may be a feeling of yearning or being unfulfilled that will be hard to satisfy, especially with your deeply passionate nature. You may embrace new diets, new forms of treatment or new modalities in healthcare practice. Favorable Dates :May 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24 Favorable Colors : Purple & White

Zodiac signLibra (23 September – 22 October) – Your career provides you with a solid sense of security, and you might find that you are moving towards working at things that you truly enjoy and that draw upon your natural talents. This is a time for learning about your personal limits as well as your inner strength. Plenty of activity with friends, children, and romantic partners is likely to figure prominently in this period. This is a time to be cutting back or putting money aside so that you can improve your situation in the long term. Favorable Dates :May 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26 Favorable Colors : Blue & White 

Zodiac signScorpio (23 October – 21 November) – This is a time when you invest in yourself and in the people around you that you respect. Benefits may not be immediate, but they will surely arrive down the road. Projects begun now can have long-term benefits. Your social life also features this month. While it is important to plumb new depths and reach new heights, you’ll also need to work out when to stop. This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and avoiding harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements that we all endure. Favorable Dates :May 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27 Favorable Colors : Red & Yellow 

Zodiac signSagittarius (22 November -21 December) – This month can be a journey where you have to face fears or break past patterns. If you work through what comes and give all that is asked of you, you will heal old wounds or lay a ghost to rest. Use your dreams to seek guidance or advice about the best course of action or the right decision. You are learning to let go of a fear of taking risks, and to develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. Favorable Dates :May 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23 Favorable Colors : Green & Yellow

Zodiac signCapricorn (22 December – 19 January) – Your personality is more obviously expansive, exuberant, and enthusiastic. This cycle has the potential for being a relaxed, fortunate, and hopeful time. You may experience some conflicts between your desire for security and a stable income and your needs for entertainment, romance, creativity, or pleasure. Excitement in your romantic and social life may distract you from increasing your earning power. There may be far-reaching or unexpected consequences from what happens at this time. You may need to rely on the support of friends and support will be there if you need it. Favorable Dates :May 2, 4, 11, 13, 20, 22 Favorable Colors : Blue & Grey 

Zodiac signAquarius (20 January – 18 February) – You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and you may choose to develop your talents in order to boost your earning power. Your income is likely to increase, and there may be an opportunity to improve your future financial situation. For some there will be reward as efforts are recognized by an increase in status. For others, there will be simple luck or unexpected opportunity.  This cycle has the potential for being a relaxed, fortunate, and hopeful time. Favorable Dates :May 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 Favorable Colors : White & Brown 

Zodiac signPisces (19 February – 20 March) – This is a time to learn, grow and flourish. Travel, good fortune or advancement could come to siblings. Some of you will find inspiration in the ideas and company of others. You will be mixing with people of standing in the community. You will take great joy in learning, communicating and disseminating your knowledge. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. You may renew your interest in things that were important in the past. You may begin to see life differently because of the influence of new people Favorable Dates :May 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favorable Colors : White & Red