Manish’s Zodiac Signs Predictions – NOV 2018


Zodiac signAries (21 March – 19 April) – Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times, and you take great joy in dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals comes more easily. It may be time to work out some issues or problems with a business partner, if applicable. You might also enjoy a more goal-oriented, free-spirited, and tolerant relationship with an existing love partner–you tend to be “on the same page.Your innermost hopes, wishes, and dreams are a driving force behind many of your actions this month. Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25  Favorable
Colors : Yellow & White

Zodiac signTaurus (20 April – 20 May) – This month presents a nice balance of recognition and accomplishment, as well as recreation and love. You have more energy than usual for work, projects, and anything that involves reorganizing and restructuring. You are very busy expanding your horizons, whether it’is through actual travel or “armchair travel”. At times, you may come across as opinionated, but it’is more likely enthusiasm for sharing your thoughts. Romance is to be found when you are enjoying non-routine activities. More tolerance of others is displayed now, and you are inclined to take interest in alternative subjects. Favorable Dates : Nov 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 Favorable Colors : Yellow & Red

Zodiac signGemini (21 May – 20 June) – You have special magnetic appeal, extra energy, and a real yen for excitement now.This is a time when you need to define, understand, and crystallize your significant relationships with others. You continue a trend towards more freedom of expression. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your own goals.If you already have a partner, this is a time when any issues surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface.Favorable Dates : Nov 6, 9, 15, 18, 24, 27  Favorable Colors : Yellow & Blue 

Zodiac signCancer (21 June – 22 July) – This period in your life is a time for building a solid foundation. Understand that moderation at this point in your life is necessary for your spiritual growth and your physical body as well.Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. It’s time to structure your life.In relationships, you may take a friendship into unexplored romantic territory, or meet a significant person through a friend or group association.Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25 Favorable Colors : Red & Grey

Zodiac signLeo (23 July – 22 August) – This is a good time for the confidence and courage to say what you want to say and for expressing your ideas and stating your opinion.Tremendous energy and initiative is with you as you embark on a journey of internal change and personal discovery. There can be a new piece of information that gets your heart racing. Pay attention to what seems to push your buttons now as these can be very revealing. You could be feeling more comfortable than usual and, by extension, others have more confidence in you. Favorable Dates : Nov 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22   Favorable Colors : Yellow & Green 

Zodiac signVirgo (23 August – 22 September) –  The month brings some hurdles to jump. It will be important to work on a solid plan for organizing your money. You can be working especially hard for your earnings these days, but you’re also finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement. You’ll also want to deal with some of the trickier elements of your relationships instead of letting problem areas grow. Desires that have been buried or left unacknowledged can emerge now. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal. Favorable Dates :  Oct 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23    Favorable Colors : White & Grey

Zodiac signLibra (23 September – 22 October) – It is a social time for you and a good time to get out and build connections and meet new people.You are more inspired this month, and your personality fairly bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm. Impulsiveness is something to watch out for, however. It’is a mostly easy month, save for some impulsiveness during mid-month, when overspending could be costly.You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends may increase during this fruitful transit.Great energy for attraction, entertainment, and romance is with you.Favorable Dates : Nov 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21  Favorable Colors : Red & Green 

Zodiac signScorpio (23 October – 21 November) – It’s a fine time to attend to practical details, rearrange, organize, and sort things out. The goal should be long-term satisfaction rather than quick fixes now. You enjoy extra energy and enthusiasm for increasing your income. This is a time for finding ways to strengthen or stabilize your life in key ways, particularly when it comes to your valuables which may need some maintenance, your finances, or your home.Your need for freedom can be so strong that you leave cherished things behind.You would at this time  assess what is most important and worthwhile to you.  Favorable Dates : Nov 4 5, 13, 14, 22, 23  Favorable Colors : Yellow & Grey 

Zodiac signSagittarius (22 November -21 December) – It’is an excellent opportunity period for a bonus or raise that truly makes a difference in your life! You could be taking on a bigger work load at the same time.There could be the possibility of friends from your past coming back into your life but this could also bring about issues or problems with a friend or connection. Changes in the image you project to others, and perhaps your personal style and appearance, continue to take place. You would be breaking free from the expectations of others in these areas.Favorable Dates : Nov 4,  6, 13, 15, 22, 24  Favorable Colors : Red & White

Zodiac signCapricorn (22 December – 19 January) – It’s a good time for studies, learning beneficial and handy things, and enjoying small accomplishments that nudge you closer to your goals. Your business income looks fortunate, and benefits come from friendships and group associations. Life is a little more challenging when it comes to closer personal connections with others. Friends or groups can be supportive, and the practical or productive side of your relationships is in focus. This is a good time for gaining clout or respect with associates and networks or friends.  Favorable Dates : Nov 1,  6, 10, 15, 19, 24  Favorable Colors : Green & White 

Zodiac signAquarius (20 January – 18 February) – This can be a time of evolving and transforming beliefs, opinions, and ideologies. You tend to connect with the right people to further your goals now, or an investment pays off. You are also called upon to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing in the past. Issues of guilt, worry, and anxiety come to the fore and this is the time to manage them.You experience high hopes and enthusiasm, and others are attracted to your unique self-expression and vision. Aim to put grudges behind you, not so much for others but for yourself.  Favorable Dates : Nov 2,  9, 11, 18, 20, 27   Favorable
Colors : Red & Blue

Zodiac signPisces (19 February – 20 March) – You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer. This is an excellent cycle in which to take more pride and find more joy in the work you do or from your daily routines. It can be easier to find employment if you’re looking, although you may have many choices which can be confusing, and if you want to change jobs, this may be a good time to do so. Self-improvement endeavoUrs and health efforts would be beneficial. Favorable Dates : Nov 2,  3, 11, 12, 20, 21  Favorable Colors : Purple & Green