Central Florida Community celebrates Duanwu Festival with Dragon Boat Races & Dumplings

Duanwu Festival
Asia Trend team

This has been my third time participating and being a part of Asia Trend. This time, it was during the Duanwu Festival, a cultural experience that is celebrated all over the world and praised to this day as being exceptionally important to those who compete and join in on the fun of the festivities. Dragon Boat racing is an intensive, cooperative, and social sport. Learning this for myself, I met with and had an amazing time with the Asia Trend group. Most of the group, I didn’t even know but getting to know them was exciting, and being
able to push through with them was a moment I’ll hold forever. 

We first came into our group and into pairs for every row, and I was so giddy to get started, I’ve never had to row a boat before, not to mention one with about 19 other people. So C.K. Lau showed everyone how to properly hold the oars and follow his directions, since he would be leading us from the back of the boat. After that, our team went to get started in the water and we were off to practicing. Duanwu Festival

Trust me, it’s a lot more work than you might have originally guessed. I knew that being synchronized as well would be challenging. Surprisingly, age and mass weren’t even a problem. But continuously pushing the water back, with no break, and giving more power at specific times was exhausting! It was a thrill though, and left me smiling ear-to-ear. I hope to be able to participate again. Dragon Boat racing brings people together, you do become a family, and also get the perk of working out your body by having fun.

Article: Sasha Moore

Photos: Patrick Anderson, Jesson Aaron Medenilla, Enya Lin, Tom Chu, Carla Chu, Duyen Kulikowski, and  and C.K. Lau (To view the photo album, visit www.facebook.com/AsiaTrendMagazine)

Duanwu Festival
President of Chinese American Association of Central Florida CAACF, Tsuey Ing Lavender (R4), Director General Mr. David Chien from Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Miami (R5), Amerasia Bank manager Mr. Jack Kao (R2), and Chinese School of CAACF Principal, Mary Liang Sheridan (L2).

On June 16, CAACF Duanwu Festival 2018 organized by the Chinese American Association of Central Florida (CAACF) shared the cultural event with the local community, offering workshop attendants a taste of both dragon boat racing and delicious bamboo leaf wrapped sticky rice dumplings called zongzi (粽子), and the Egg balancing is a traditional Chinese practice connect the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan. Zongzi produced by Chinese School of CAACF principal Mary Sheridan’s sister. Attendees also learned about the history of behind Duanwu Festival through storytelling. Close to 80 participants in four teams.

Duanwu Festival
Dragon Boat Eye Doting Ceremony by new Director General Mr. David Chien from Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Miami and Amerasia Bank manager Mr. jack Kao.
Duanwu Festival
130 Zongzi produced by Mary Liang Sheridan sister.
Duanwu Festival
REACH of Central Florida

Duanwu Festival

Duanwu Festival
Team Clermont Highlander Dragons brought home the Gold medal

CAACF Duanwu Festival 2018 sponsored by: Orlando Rowing Club / Orlando Dragon Boat Club / C.H.A.R.G.E. Dragon Boat – Orlando Team, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Miami, Amerasia Bank, and Cino International Inc. Thank You the CAACF Board of Directors, C.H.A.R.G.E. Dragon Boat – Orlando committee and members, Orlando Dragon Boat Club members, R.E.A.C.H. of Central Florida volunteers. Also thanks: Genna Liddick, John Chung. and C.k. Lau for steering the boats, Dave Hoeh for the Safety Boat, Captains for the 4 teams – Chalie Goodnough, Simon Li, Tom Chu, and C.K. Lau

Photos: Patrick Anderson, Jesson Aaron Medenilla, Enya Lin, Tom Chu, Carla Chu, Duyen Kulikowski, and C.K. Lau (To view the photo album, visit www.facebook.com/AsiaTrendMagazine)