…bunnies, chicks, eggs, flowers, life life life!
Last December, I was invited to a Christmas gathering at Orlando Japanese Baptist Church. The event “Family Christmas” was fun and joyful. Youth members did a great job performing “Christmas Pageant“, we sang Christmas songs together, Pastor Hiro’s wife Meg’s piano was blessing. Pastor Hiro kindly invited us to his home for Christmas brunch that was a beautiful time to get connected to people and share the beautiful time. It was peaceful, love-filled, and homey!
Orlando Japanese Baptist Church was established as the very first Japanese church in Florida in September 2012. They regularly hold Sunday worship service at 10:30am (till noon) and choir practice starts after the worship. They also have online small group activities such as sharing worship messages on Tuesdays 10:30am-11:30am, Bible study on Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm, and child-rearing/parenting on 2nd & 4th Thursdays 9:00pm-10:00pm, that you can join with meeting ID and password on Zoom. OJBC is open to anyone who is willing to share goodness.
Next special event is Easter on April 4th. After their regular Sunday service at 10:30am is “Family Easter” at 12:00 noon. Let’s sing together again and celebrate “life”!
For more information, feel free to contact Pastor “Hiro” Takaoka 高岡宏光牧師 at 407.924.6684
Orlando Japanese Baptist Church オーランド日本語バプテスト教会 is located at 551 Gaston Foster Rd, Orlando, FL 32807.