One Piece Of Advice To The Young Me


Have you ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? When you have a dream that you don’t let go then you struggle and suffer. It’s painful for everyone around you including yourself!
Life is a struggle – what else is new. My life journey has led me, again and again, to move away from all that I have known. But for me letting go is all about discovering a whole new inspiration and that Life has so much to offer.
I have experienced and practiced so many different jobs, positions and arts.
What I know for sure is that curiosity was and still is the sole motivation to guide me during my life’s journey.

“When a man is in love he simply says it. A writer – when he loves, he will dedicate his life to write of it.”

In 1999 I have set on a yearlong journey, hitch hiking sail boats. A flame of words has lightened the sky above my burning soul and ever since I am writing.
Remember: Each one of us is writing the book of his/her life. Knowing so, what kind of book would you like to write?

Traveling is, with no doubt, the best way to make your life story interesting and filled with exciting adventures.
On board of Ares _Model Amel_ Brakefast
Image: Galorian on board of Ares, an Amel sail boat model, sailing across the Atlantic.

Captain G is born
The Hong Kong chapter has led to the birth of Captain G. and a serial of books about The G Team and Ludoland – the kingdom of toys and games.

Let me share with you a story, it is called:

One piece of advice to the young me


Now that I am old and experienced I can look back and reflect there are many advices I could give the young me, but if I could give me just one piece of advice it would be…

Just like a toy made in the factory before it arrives at the toy stores.

It takes a few years before you are shaped…

You try different games, you try different hobbies,

You change the cloths you like,

You travel and see new places,

You make new friends, You keep the best,

There are many advices I could give you, like…

Don’t give up!

Yes, you can do it!

Even when it seems too hard.

Life is a lot more fun if you say YES rather than no.
… and always look ahead.

But, if I could give you just one piece of advice
Smile would be it!
People will judge You by HOW you look. And by WHAT You have. But please, Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You, Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes, Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away, Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down, Keep Dreaming.

And Yes – If I could give you one piece of advice Smile would be it!

Do you know what is your life purpose? It is a scary question, ah? Life’s purpose…
Something that takes over you and that you can’t control but to follow and that… you wish to lead, if only you had the powers.

I don’t know why I am here but what I do know for sure is that curiosity was and still is the sole motivation to guide me throughout my life’s journey and that writing and other creative activities is where I connect most to that the divine part in me.

You see, if I had all the money in the world, I would still be doing the same, but way faster (ah).

And let me tell you something, life is never about doing it alone. Life’s purpose is to find ways and learn how we can do things together, so I invite you here to join me, and together be part of the change we all wish to see in the world and together lead the change. CLICK HERE: The Flying Banana Smile -Taiwan


With playful regards,



With dedication to my TMC fellows at the NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.