Why Did I Paint My Lips Red On Top Of 85 Sky Tower?


People ask me WHY BANANA? I then reply to them, as the wolf replied to Little Red Riding Hood, ‘So that you will ask me’ and then I pray on them with my marketing pitch on Altruism.

You see, human beings love self-expression; everyone goes (and takes a) selfie, but when you add a banana smile to it… now you got it – you can’t be ignored as it must mean something.

Go Banana Style aims at promoting altruism, health and happiness. Following the social media campaign held last year (May 2015) in Hong Kong I decided to bring it this time to Taiwan.

Running a social media campaign, for whatever reason, is a challenge, it is about getting people emotional about that specific cause you are trying to promote. The best way to do so is to show that you care and to keep your audience at all times entertained and updated with new media.


In August 2014 a group of students in Hong Kong have gone the distance to capture a selfie on top of one of the Skyscrapers. To celebrate the breathtaking view, they ate some bananas. As to raise awareness toward our current crowd funding, books donation FlyingV campaign, I was ready to climb the extra mile and risk myself as to see if I can follow the same media coverage as these guys did.

85 Sky Tower

85 Sky Tower is the tallest skyscraper in Kaohsiung, and was the tallest in Taiwan until the completion of Taipei 101. An observation deck on the 74th floor offers views over the Kaohsiung City, the Love River and the Kaohsiung Harbour, and is accessed by high speed elevators. There is no elevator access to floors above 79 so I had to access the top using the emergency exit doors and avoiding security cameras.

Filled with thrill I made my way to the top… only as to tell the story of

The Taiwanese Turtle And The Betel Nuts

sky85 2

What motivates us? Why is it that we choose to go beyond our limits and risk ourselves?

The Taiwanese Turtle And The Betel Nuts is a story that aims at teaching kids of morals and specifically raising the hard question of ‘Who is a Hero?’.


“To have more we must first become more” those who seek a better life must first become a better person; this is the very essence of the philosophy of personal development, success and happiness addressed by me.

For me being a hero is not about conquering a city, winning over someone and not even climbing on top of a skyscraper, but for me a true hero is someone whom overcomes his fears, his desires and wants as he cares for something greater then he is.

Follow your heart and others might follow…

So you are still asking why did i paint my lips in red?

Watch the video link below and get to hear the story of a real Taiwanese hero – the Taiwanese Turtle – as told on top of 85 Sky Tower.


Image: 85 Sky Tower, on my way to the top.



Join us on our Flying V campaign:
…as together we could reach our goal and get more free printed book copies to more kids. The most important thing for Taiwan as a nation is promoting creative education, English learning, morality and ethics!


With playful regards,
