Each year, the Orange County Asian Committee awards a member of the Central Florida community with the Distinguished Asian American Award (DAA Award). The Distinguished Asian American award is presented to an outstanding individual who has made a significant impact in the Asian and Central Florida community. Below are the requirements that nominees are expected to meet in order to be considered for the Distinguished Asian American Award. The award will be presented to the winner on May 21, 2021at the 8th Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Proclamation Ceremony. Please fill out the following fields and submit this form prior to 4/15/2021
Requirements for Consideration:
- Must be of Asian, Pacific Islander or Asian-American ancestry.
- Be a United States citizen and reside in the Central Florida region.
- Demonstrated leadership, excellence, creativity and initiative in the Community.
- Must actively support the advancement and/or make outstanding contributions to the Asian community.
- Participate in activities that help promote Asian Cultural Heritage and showcase the Asian cultural Heritage.No previous Distinguished Asian American Award recipient.
- Self-nominations are acceptable.
If you would like to nominate a recipient for the DAA and/or the Outstanding Community Service Award, please fill out the online form(s) by April 15, 2021. DAA Award: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pBgVaLjcLPZZIGGzIegl5Yjg0YayqEOjpiZpYo9xlVU/viewform