Mills 50 Main Street District achieves national accreditation


Mills 50 Logo_purpleMills 50 – the intersection of creativity + culture – is a non-profit entity made possible through the support and interests of the National Trust Main Street Center, the City of Orlando and the district’s members and volunteers.  Last month, Mills 50 Main Street received National Main Street accreditation.  The accreditation process evaluates local Main Street programs according to 10 performance standards and provides national recognition to those that meet these standards. The national accreditation program strives to provide local and national visibility to local Main Street programs that understand and fully utilize the Main Street approach and principles and that continue to evolve to meet new challenges.  Receiving National Main Street Program status is a prestigious designation. While every designated local Main Street program can work toward accreditation, not every Main Street program receives it.

This designation was achieved through the dedication of the Mills 50 Board of Directors, members of the business and residential communities and volunteers and through the support and guidance of City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan.

Orlando City Mayor Buddy Dyer and local artist Danny Rodriguez at Mills 50 Celebration of Art, honoring artists who participated in the public art project.
Orlando City Mayor Buddy Dyer and local artist Danny Rodriguez at Mills 50 Celebration of Art, honoring artists who participated in the public art project.

The goal of Mills 50 and area business owners is to increase the area’s visibility as a destination as well as to improve its overall appeal and financial & environmental sustainability. Other goals include making the district safer to commuter traffic and pedestrians as well as encouraging responsible and environmentally friendly growth and redevelopment while ensuring and preserving the district’s unique character, charm and appeal.

mainstreet_15Mills 50’s financial support depends on memberships, both business and residential.  Residential memberships are $25, while business memberships range from $100 to $5000.  Membership information is available at  The organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, with the day to day operations managed by a salaried Executive Director.  Volunteers are needed to serve on the four committees:  Design, Promotion, Organization and Economic Restructuring. Mills 50 seeks representation from the Asian community, which is the cultural cornerstone of the District.  If you are interested in joining Mills 50 as a member or a volunteer, please contact the Director at
[email protected].