Last week, was peak “spring feels” in Korea and Seoul was just filled with cherry blossoms and flowers 🌸🌸🌸. If you have missed the season of the cherry blossom? No worries, today I would like to introduce Korean Starbucks cherry blossom latte.

In addition to the new cherry blossom mug collection, the Korean Starbucks cherry blossom series also has two special cherry blossom drinks, ruby chocolate, and ruby chocolate latte, the drinks have a cherry tree pattern made of ruby chocolate pieces and chocolate sauce. Which is so beautiful.

Customers can also find Starbucks Korea Spring Limited Edition collection. Starbucks came out with a whole line of reusable mugs, cups, and tumblers that are inspired by cherry blossom season and the collection is absolutely beautiful.
Currently, the collection is only available in Japan to welcome the arrival of their spring which is famous for the blooming Korean cherry blossom trees. More Starbucks collection at the Starbucks Korea website