“The Love in Japan Movie Screening” Series to be shown at the Historic Fort...
Cinema Paradiso to Show Three Japanese Films September 17, 19, 20 in “The Love in Japan Movie Screening” Series Presented by the Consulate-General of Japan in Miami
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (August 19, 2016) – The...
THIS IS MY STORY TO TELL PART 1 - MORAL STORIES – WHY WE NEED THEM Stories, such as moral stories, have the power to shape mankind’s destiny. Some stories have survived time and are able...
Wah Lum Temple presents “Journey to the West” to celebrate the 35th Anniversary
Journey to the West is a famous Chinese novel published during the Ming dynasty and it is one of the four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. Journey to the West has strong roots...
Looking back at Wong Kar-Wai’s “In the mood for love”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWVDZ98AFhI September 29 2019 marks 19 years
since the release of Wong Kar-Wai’s “In the mood for love” in Hong Kong. To
date this film is considered one of the great masterpieces of contemporary East
Asian cinema and...
Real Masterpiece Ip Man Action Figure
ENTERBAY is very proud to announce a brand new Ip Man 3 movie 1:6 Real Masterpiece Figurine is going to launch at ToySoul 2015. Such a popular and powerful masterpiece, the IpMan character should...
yanaginagi’s ‘Yukiharuame’, a Song to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Anime TV Series...
On June 28th, yanaginagi released her track ‘Yukiharuame’ on CD as a single to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the anime series ‘My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU’. In addition to the title track ‘Yukiharuame’,...
Jeremy Lin plays piano and dances in the Taiwanese pop star’s Jay Chou music...
On Aug 26, Jeremy Lin is pretty excited about the whole thing and posted the full-length YouTube video online via his Twitter page. Check it out below. Jeremy Lin is in the Taiwanese pop star...
Award-Winning Documentary THAO’S LIBRARY Opens October 16th!
Thaos Library Official Trailer from Elizabeth Van Meter on Vimeo.
As America marks 40 years since the end of the Vietnam War, Thao's...
2015 Asian’s Top Five Google searched words
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyhSBELXK7A Google unveiled the “2015-the top ten search terms list”. No search ranking for mainland China since Google be blocked in mainland China. What are those hot words in Google search ranking? Following is Google part of Asian...
Singing Cosplayer Hikari is going to cover the vocaloid song ‘Yorunaderu Menou’ , with...
Singing cosplayer Hikari, who has been active worldwide as a cover singer of anime songs and vocaloid songs, mainly covering J-POP, covered the vocaloid song ‘Yorunaderu Menou’. The song has lyrics and music originally...