Cranes, Peonies and Attitude: Traditional Japanese Motifs in Fashion

Kimono Refashioned

In the early 1980s, Japanese avant-garde designers took Paris by storm, disrupting the world of haute couture with their minimalist, deconstructed clothing. But this was not the first time that Japanese design principles had transformed international fashion. Instead, as Kimono Refashioned reveals, kimono — its materials, forms, techniques and decorative motifs — has inspired designers for more than 150 years.

What does a 19th-century court dress have in common with a sassy pair of Christian Louboutin boots?

In the early 1980s, Japanese avant-garde designers took Paris by storm, disrupting the world of haute couture with their minimalist, deconstructed clothing. But this was not the first time that Japanese design principles had transformed international fashion. Instead, as Kimono Refashioned reveals, kimono — its materials, forms, techniques and decorative motifs — has inspired designers for more than 150 years.

Photos © The Kyoto Costume Institute. For full image details and details on the designers, visit
Kimono Refashioned | Feb 8 – May 5

Chong-Moon Lee Center for
Asian Art & Culture
200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102